Monday, July 27, 2009

ok. here are the cupcake pops i tried

here is my crappy little tool box! is really small and doesn't have much but it sure is helpful instead of having it all in drawers or something.

here is another tool to help me get through the night! yummy

i didn't get any pictures of the cake baking. i only started taking pictures after i chopped up the cake into billions of little pieces.

mixing the frosting into the cake

rolling it into the little balls

makes a giant mess. i think that i put too much frosting in though it stuck to everything!

this is after the balls came out of the freezer.

i have all my decorating supplies ready to go. they didn't stay this nice and neat either!

this is the balls after they were shaped into the cupcake shape.

the whole decorating process was not captured because my hands were WAY to covered in crap to stop and take pics. not that it would have mattered. my camera is waterproof and i could have washed it right off...but anyway. here is the finished product!

here is a farm of cupcake pops!

now its time to bag em and tag em

awwwww how cute!

and here is how i figured out how to transport them to work the next day!

now for this next section i think we should all day a prayer for those who lost their lives to my frustration and poor bakewoman-ship (just made that up)

the cupcake pop grave yard...(you hear taps in the background)

i call this the Sparta cupcake pop

thank you very much for the idea and inspiration bakerella you are an amazing lady! <3


Unknown said...

These were very good!! One of the best treats you've ever made.

-The resident taster.

Bakerella said...

You're welcome. Great decorating assortment.

cookies and cups said...

Great job! I have never tried doing them in the cupcake shape...just as balls (hehe)
ANYWAY, looks like you got you photo question figured out! Stay with it, it gets easier, trust me. When I first started my site I would know an HTML code it it hit me in the face ;)
Your pops looks great and also your potato chips look SOOO good! I've tried them before and they were came soggy,,,guess my oil wasn't hot enough...yours look great, though!!

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